
Growing up, my household was structured but free spirited. My dad, who identifies himself as a christian. My mother, a believer of God who believes her church is her home -  I had the freedom to explore and question religion and the world I set foot in. I stem from an intuitive family with cousins who would promote discourse about life, “shapeshifters” and spirits, etc. Growing up I always felt weird seeing animals, certain animals in bizarre places at particular times. I wasn’t sure what it meant and it was a feeling I could never articulate. As I entered my adult years, I would research what it meant to come across certain animals or to dream about them. I’m also more in tune with coming across numbers on multiple occasions. Now as I pay attention, write it down, take pictures or take mental notes just to see if there’s a pattern of some sort, believe it or not, I started realizing that each dream or sight of an animal or number was either a warning or a sign for what's to come. Below I share the animals and numbers I came across that are spiritually symbolic to my journey this year in the order I came across them. 

The Caterpillar (Mid-Spring)


I thought I had it in my phone but looks like it didn’t save to my icloud (phone was stolen over the summer, cue in sad violin music.) Caterpillars are known as patient creatures. The caterpillar is a creature that hasn’t fully grown just yet due to their transformation process. When you come across a caterpillar, it could be a sign to be patient through whatever you’re experiencing at the moment. It could also mean you are about to blossom into another level in your life and it’s time for you to break out of your shell. Me personally during this time, I was job hunting. Broke as fuck. Moved to a different city, bigger city. Freelancing was not bringing in money fast enough. I couldn’t get a job to save my life. Probably because of what I was and wasn’t willing to work at an hourly rate or salary for but… still. I just felt, tired and haggard all the time. Depressed. Anxious. Randomly getting sick, a lot. It was a tough time that really reminded me how strong I am. It never dawned on me how much I got accustomed to having a double income, especially with my ex being the breadwinner of my former household. I decided to keep at it, network, and I didn’t allow that moment to make me bitter or hopeless. My best-friend invited me to a trip to Amsterdam, my first trip overseas. The old me would’ve declined and said I had bills, I couldn’t afford it but… I really started realizing the the power of manifestations so I said fuck it, why not! I hustled and made a way. While there, definitely can say that helped the start of me breaking out of my shell. I returned to the US with a new perspective. Far from healed from my breakup and still carrying the stress of job searching but… I was granted the moment to let my hair down
(or take my wig off) and just live. Freely. I left all my worries in the US. Certainly picked them back up once I returned but hey, that’s alright. At least I was able to approach them with a new perspective. 

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The Coyote (August)

The spiritual symbolism stands for adaptability, rebirth, enthusiasm, ingenuity, protection, and inner healing. In dreams it may suggest that there’s some sort of deception, weakness, and severe illness or indicates a spiritual shift present or about to take place in your life.  During this time, I was visiting Milwaukee for a family’s baby-shower. The day I came across a coyote was around 4 or 5 am while at the Lakefront catching up with a friend. The following day I searched the spiritual symbolism behind coyotes. Once reading that, I wanted to only focus on the positive; the rebirth, protection, inner healing and so on. At this particular time, I felt like I was shedding off dead weight. Just got back from visiting Aruba, Turks and Caicos, The Dominican Republic and Curacao. I was healing and getting my confidence back. And lo and behold, shortly after, I was able to attend an event on a short notice, “Heal Girl, Heal!” This event took place in September. That event was much more of an impact than I would have ever imagined. You can read more about that experience by clicking the title. 

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Bumble Bees (September)

Nature’s little workers. Bee’s play an important role in the environment, pollinators of wild flowering plants and crops. Symbolically, bees represents community, brightness, and personal power. I came across a bunch of bumble bees while my friends were taking pictures in the rain just after the Kanye’s Sunday Service show in Chicago. Honestly, I have to figure out how those bees symbolically represented something in my life after that moment. I suppose gaining personal power? Learning how to control my emotions for things beyond my control. The community aspect could symbolically appear later on this year or the top of next year.  Have you come across any bumble bees as of late? If so, you may have some opportunities brewing in your community or gaining your power back from whatever you’re currently experiencing. 


Ravens (Throughout 2019, Intense in October)

The solo-bird. I come across Ravens as often as I come across stray cats in the hood (very often). There’s a negative connotation behind their symbolism due to them being scavengers and appearing on battlefields harvesting over the mutilated remains of warriors. The mind, thought, and wisdom is the symbolic meaning behind coming across ravens. According to the Norse legend and Germanic mythology, god Odin was accompanied by two ravens that held two meanings: Hugin who represented the power of thought and active search for information. The other raven, Mugin represented the mind and its ability to be intuitive. That's amazing and I can relate. However, as I researched images of the Norse mythology, it didn’t sit too well with me. Looks way too demonic for my liking. So I researched the Egyptian meaning behind it. Here’s what I found: 

“Raven in Egypt mythology - They are said to be a symbol of good luck, and were god's messengers in the mortal world. Associated with guidance in battles and premonitions in times of war.”

I can definitely see this appearing in my life in various ways. On a lighter note, even during my trip in Columbia. I came across an intense amount of Ravens. If it wasn’t in physical form it was through artwork. During my stay in Columbia I stayed in Bogota, Cartagena, and also visited Palenque. That was a trip for the books to say the very least. I had so much fun, too much fun, but very eerie trip I might add. My friend and I experienced a spiritual awakening and breakthrough while there. Then that’s when we decided it was time to return home, *smiles sarcastically. 


Monarch Butterfly (October)

Speaking of Columbia, the city of Palenque is where I came across a Monarch butterfly. Palenque is one of the first places introduced to the slave trade. My friend and I visited to soak up the culture and learn about the history, the origins of our history. As I was walking towards some artwork to take a picture, I noticed how soft the dirt was and just before I could make up my mind to turn around, I lost my balance and slipped in shit. According to my best friend, “It’s just mud.” Nah fam, that was mud and shit for sure. Especially since animals, chickens, pigs, roosters, dogs, and all walks of life will freely pop a squat wherever whenever. Just after my feet were washed, a monarch butterfly flew into the distance nearby but it was close enough for me to notice.

I can’t upload videos from my phone or computer directly to my site for whatever reason so here’s some screenshots.

I can’t remember the last time I came across a monarch butterfly. Little girl maybe. But once I saw it, my spirit felt at peace. I knew instantly that something in my life is about to change, or at least supposed to. They symbolize transformation and rebirth or new life, bringing new opportunities as well. It could also indicate the need for change in your life, rather it’s you or your environment. So here’s what I gathered: 

New life: 

My niece is on the way in December. 


I’m experiencing this moment of transition that involves seeking clarity. I also decided to make some tough decisions that I am proud of but not sure what the hell is next.  


Within a year I really changed my life in ways I didn’t know was possible, at least not this year. 

Once I apply what I learn, I evolve and reinvent myself. 


I’ve grown minor bad habits of carelessness. They’re not detrimental but I know in order to reach this new level of what I’m seeking, I have to get things in order, get back disciplined and make a lifestyle out of small acts that I know will be conducive to the “bigger picture” of my life. 

Dead Squirrel (November)

Dead animals usually indicates hope during tough times, as if our tiring and challenging time has now ended. Referencing a picture and video I sent to my cousin, November 4th at 3:29 pm of a dead squirrel. It was so sad, but hilarious in a fucked up way. The tip of his tongue was sticking out and he just looked like a cartoon character. Fast forward to tonight as I come across my video, I decided to research what dead squirrels symbolize. Welp, jokes on me because it turns out that dead squirrels symbolizes financial loss. And guess what, yesterday morning, the rear end of my car was hit so bad my car was removed from my parking space outside my home by a stolen car. What-are-thee-fucking-odds. Please tell me. Well. I suppose within one sign there’s always another.

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Bucks Crossing Your Path (November - Last week)

A buck crossing your path indicates peace and serenity. The symbolism of a buck emphasizes meekness and gentleness. The spirit of a deer is to remind you to always choose gentleness and kindness during the toughest and challenging times of your life. It is believed that it is a blessing to come across a deer or turtle because they’re carriers of peace and unconditional love. While commuting to Milwaukee to visit my sister for her baby shower, a buck ran across the car of the vehicle in front me. I was in between browsing for a playlist and looked up in the nick of time. Looking forward to seeing how the spirit of coming across a buck will spiritually makes its way into my life. 

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The Fox (2016? 2017?)

I haven’t seen a fox this year but I do remember the time I came across one and had a dream of either a dying fox or a fox crying. There was one moment I was working out at night, running stairs, squats, all that on the east side of Milwaukee, not too far from the Riverwest area. There was this fox walking towards me, very slowly. It was big as hell. Beautiful. But it’s the night time. And the way it’s looking, it looks as if its about to charge up and pounce on me like a cat. I avoided eye contact and climbed on top of this… I don’t know how to describe it, I’ll just say this big ass step of some sort made out of cement. By then I’m hovering over it, cornered. It looked at me, tilted it’s head. Walked away slowly. Then walked down the hill slowly and went on about its business. I can’t remember if I had a dream before or after that moment but here’s what I gathered: 

The spirit of a fox wants to bring awareness to the gift of you possessing physical and mental responsiveness that makes you escape complex situations. It is also said that the symbolism of a fox resonates with benevolence, and how you deal with people and events in your life, similarly to the falcon animal spirit. It is commonly associated with having an increased awareness of people’s behaviors and how the world works because you’re constantly investing time into sharpening your mental skills. As for the dying or crying fox in dreams, it's not a good sign. It indicates that there's an error or unsuccessful projects or ventures coming about. It could indicate not being able to complete something or a problem will be unable to solve or unfulfilled desires of some sort due to circumstances beyond your control. I can go on a long seloque of how this relates to my life during that time and now, but I’m not sure if you want to stare at your computer or phone any longer so…. “I ain’t gon’ hold you.” 


Numbers and Conversations are important too. Everything aligns. 

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The Angel Number 202 indicates a message to maintain faith and trust, balance and harmony, and stay optimistic about the path ahead. It is believed and said with a positive attitude and outlook, miracles can happen in your life. So. . . here I am, full of sarcasm about life but remaining optimistic for what's next to come. 

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I have so many remarkable conversations with strangers that it trips me out, chill worthy. I don’t want to overshare because you just never know who come across your content and wish harm or ill will on premature ventures but I’d say met a woman and  we spoke about something that was on my mind. She gave me some advice. Maybe like, two hours later after we spoke in a consignment/second hand store, I came across a jacket with her name stitched in, it also wasn’t her jacket. I felt like it was a little reminder to not take lightly what she said and get serious about it. 

Now, you can take this information and digest it at a surface level. Rather you believe any of it or not, the truth is that what we think and believe, we manifest. Both good and bad so even if you partake in studying animals and numbers for shits and giggles, chances are you'll manifest blessings or know to be weary for what seems to be too flattering for its own good just off the strength of tuning in. 


You are powerful and capable to create things beyond what your mind can measure. Whatever is set on your heart to do, stop talking yourself out of it and just go for it. Stop allowing money or circumstances be the excuse for not getting what you want or accomplishing your goals. No matter how big or small, A L W A Y S give yourself something to look forward to. Life is short but it doesn’t have to feel like it. Life is also all about perspective. How you approach everything will determine your results. 


Have any of you came across any animals or recurring numbers in your life that you can think of? Comment below. 

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